Church History
Belmont Free Church was officially opened on July 8th 1933, on the land in Streatfield Road after 8 months of worship in a hired hall in Kenton Road. Rev Sylvester Poulton was appointed moderator in November 1933 when the church was accepted into membership of the Baptist Union and Rev Ashby was inducted as the first full time minister in October 1934. Extra space was required by 1935 so a second-hand building, commonly known as the ‘Tin Hut’ with a capacity of 300 was erected.
By 1935 several groups were running including a missionary council, a Ladies council, a Men’s club, a church choir and for the children a Sunday school, Boy’s Brigade and Girl Guides. The church continued to grow in size, and in 1936 changed its name to Kenton Free Church (Baptist). Girl Guides closed and 1st Kenton GLB was formed. Rev Edwards from Herne Hill became the second minister in 1937 after Rev Ashby stepped down to look after his sick wife.
The church congregation and groups continued to grow and in 1939 with a membership of 260 and a Sunday school of 400 the opening and dedication of a New Church took place. Then sadly the effect of war caused a depletion in numbers, as people were called up, some were evacuated and others called into National Service.
By the end of 1945 Rev Edwards had left and was replaced by Rev Morgan who was to become the longest serving pastor at KBC. 1947 saw the purchase of a manse in Kingshill Drive. KBC continued to support the local area and by 1963 plans were in place to raise funds to build another hall to replace the ‘tin hut’ and in 1965 after raising £16,000 the (New) Youth Hall was built.
1966 saw the departure of Rev Morgan who was replaced by Rev Price. During the years that followed regular coffee bars took place attracting 120 young people to attend and in 1973 saw the church' name change again this time to Kenton Baptist Church.
There was further development with the building of the East Hall and associated rooms in 1979, used predominately by the church run preschool 4 days a week. 1987 saw the closure of The Boys’ Brigade Company which was followed 3 years later by the commencement of new boys’ clubs.
The church has continued over the past 90 years and more to witness to the community around how God changes lives. Clubs have come and gone, pastors have come and gone but God’s love for each one of us stays the same yesterday, today and forever.
Brief Timeline of Kenton Baptist Church
16th September 1932 - A decision was made to form a church in the Kenton area by 4 people (Mr Geo Chapman, Mr W. Trant, Rev W.A. Sinden & Mr Davis) in a private house in Harrow Weald.
6th November 1932 - A new Church (Baptist Foundation) commenced evening services in a hall above the Co-Operative Store on Kenton Road. The service was conducted by Rev W.A. Sinden with 51 people present - this included well wishers from Wealdstone Baptist Church) (The hall was only hired for Sundays at a cost of £3.15 per month. Midweek meetings were not permitted to take place in the hall).
30th November 1932 - 13 people adopted a declaration of faith at a prayer meeting and decided to establish Belmont Free Church.
December 1932 - Rev W.A. Sinden was appointed as the Minister of Belmont Free Church. The Deacon's Court was formed with a total of 7 people, including Mr Chapman (Treasurer) & Mr W. Trant (Organist/Piano).
Rev. W. Andrew Sinden
25th February 1933 - A 10% deposit amount of £66.10 was paid on a 2 acre plot of freehold land in Streatfield Road. The total cost of the land was £665
May 1933 - A contract was signed with building contractors Thompson & Bayliss for the building of the new church building for an proposed total cost of £450. This cost included all internal & external decorations as well as all furnishings. Before the end of May, work had begun on the new church building with a seating capacity of 200.
27th May 1933 - The first Sunday School session takes place.
By Mid June 1933 - The new church building was completed at a final total cost of £1,250. The price of the land was £665, the price of the equipment was £123. The church membership numbered 40 at this time.
8th July 1933 - After 8 months of worship in the hired hall, the new church building was officially opened by Mr J.R. Crichton. Around 200 people witnessed the dedication service of the new church.

Opening Ceremony, Dedication & Thanksgiving service programme (1933)
28th November 1933 - The church received notification that Belmont Free Church had been accepted into the membership of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. This caused a change in the Pastorate at the church as the Baptist Union were unable to accept Rev W. Andrew Sinden as an accredited Baptist Minister, so Rev. J Sylvester Poulton was appointed as the moderator of the church.
12th August 1934 - The first baptismal service took place. 4 people were baptised.
March 1934 - Following on from a church meeting it was agreed that the church would start a Boy's Brigade &The Life Boys Company along with a Girl Guides & Brownies group.
21st October 1934 - Rev. William A. Ashby was inducted as the first full time minister of the church.
Mid 1935 - A second hand building was packed up and re-erected on the church grounds at a cost of £360. This building was the new church hall (Youth Hall).
14th September 1935 - The new church hall (Youth Hall) which was later known as the "Tin Hut" was opened.

New Church hall opening programme (1935)
1937 - The church was renamed as Kenton Free Church (Baptist).
1973 - The church was renamed as Kenton Baptist Church.
November 1982 - The church celebrates its 50th anniversary.
Previous Pastors of Kenton Baptist Church
Year(s) Served Name of Pastor
1932 - 1934 Rev. W. Andrew Sinden
1935 - 1936 Rev. William A. Ashby
1937 - 1965 Rev. G. Barry Morgan
1968 - 1974 Rev. Kenneth Seymour Price
1976 - 1980 Rev. Richard L. Kidd
1983 - 1991 Rev. Michael Paul Binder
1993 - 1996 Rev. Stuart Woodward
1998 - 2002 Rev. Keith Moyes
2005 - 2009 Rev. Roger Gray
current Pastor (Rev. Steve Cochrane) has held the Church Ministerial position since 2011.